Forum page

The Riley RM Club Forum is the lifeblood of the online RM Club community.  Within its pages you will find tens of thousands of posts on a wide variety of topics, ranging from expert technical advice to (the inevitable) musings on the meaning of life.

It is with the technical side of RM life that the Forum really makes its mark as probably the foremost repository of knowledge on the repair, maintenance and running of RM Rileys.  In addition to the ever-increasing range of printed workshop manual appendices being produced by the Club’s Technical Advisors and an extensive index of previous queries, any member is guaranteed speedy and knowledgeable responses to questions and requests for help.

Topics discussed over the last ten years include the use of LED bulbs in headlamps, sidelamps and indicators . . . the fitting of steering rack gaiters . . . the refurbishment of leather upholstery . . . removing metal tops from glass washer bottles . . . white metalling of bearings . . . tyre recommendations . . . rear axle differential assembly torque settings . . . the relative merits of different gasket materials . . . correct setup of hydro-mechanical brake systems . . .

The Forum is also where you can find the RM Club’s extensive digital library of such things as Service Bulletins, Service Data Sheets, Workshop Manuals, original RM interior details and photographs, Wiring Diagrams plus much much more.
In the Historical section there is a Brochure and Information Database covering all aspects of the history of the Riley RM in print from 1945 to the present day.


New on the Forum -

Photo Archive with over 3000 RM's listed

  • Our new Riley RM Photo Archive of RMs by registration number, with over 3000 cars now listed. Are your cars included yet?
  • A comprehensive display of all the photos we have in the archive, including those taken from the pages of RMemoranda

Not registered on the Forum yet?

Join over 800 members of the RM Club’s online community by following these simple instructions to register on the Riley RM Club Forum at

  • Click on Register, read the terms and conditions and then click on “I agree to these terms”.
  • On the next screen fill out your details as follows:-
  • Username: FirstName Surname MembershipNumber (i.e. Jane Smith AB123)
  • Email address: your email address (i.e.
  • Password: password of your choice
  • Confirmation code: Enter the code displayed.

When you Submit your request it is sent to the Forum administrators who will check that you are a paid up member and then activate your account. You will receive an email to confirm this has been done.

Please note – you need to be an RM Club member to join the Forum

– click here to join the Club online now

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